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Side Projects/클론코딩

Vanilla JS - Pastel Browser

by devraphy 2020. 10. 17.

1. 개요(Introduction)

  • Vanilla JS를 이용하여 Momentum이라는 크롬 extension의 기능을 재구현했습니다.
    A clone of the chrome app Momentum's features using Vanilla JS.

2. 기능(Features)

  • ClockTo-Do List (local-storage)
  • Username (local-storage)
  • Weather and location (openWeather API)
  • Random Background (refresh and change)

3. GitHub 링크



GitHub - devraphy/pastelBrowser: A repository for the pastelBrowser project

A repository for the pastelBrowser project. Contribute to devraphy/pastelBrowser development by creating an account on GitHub.



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